Just treading water!
Lately, I've been getting a lot of new patients who can't or don't benefit from either medications or functional/orthomolecular interventions.
For example, some people are too sensitive or afraid to take a medication or nutritional regimen. Other people notice that they have a "bad reaction" to 5-HTP, an amino acid precurser to creating serotonin, leaving them with little nutritional support for their SSRI antidepressant medication withdrawal.
What can be done about these types of situations? Read on to find out!
What to do When Medications and Supplements Don't Help Anymore
Ways to get yourself out of a biochemical hole
What can be done when medications "stop working" and the supplements that are supposed to make withdrawal easier make you feel worse? Sometimes this may happen because your body has developed a hypersensitivity reaction to the medications and supplements. Sometimes this happens because of a severe, prolonged problem with leaky gut syndrome, and medications, foods, and supplements you ingest frequently leaked through the gut, creating a reactive immune response.
This does not have to be the end of the road for your recovery if you are open to using energy medicine. There are many tools in this field that can help you to decrease your inflammatory reactions, heal your anxieties and traumas, and get you moving once again towards a healthier life.
Have hope! Energy precedes biology. When it comes to the mind-body connection, the mind can help the body to heal in profound and powerful ways.
Recently, I began working with a young man who tapered himself off of a benzodiazepine and refused to go back on any medication or take a nutritional regimen for his paralyzing anxiety. From his past experiences, he noticed that he was hypersensitive to a lot of things and reacted badly when taking them. Despite repeated encouragement to take his nutritional regimen, his fears prevented him from taking anything except for a probiotic and a systemic enzyme.
Despite these limitations, he's been happy with his healing progress. Here are some of the interventions using energy medicine that helped him and other patients with their recovery:
1) I introduced him to the importance of doing Energy Breaths twice a day. This is meant to help him reduce inflammation and oxidative stress and "recharge his batteries" so to speak, filling his body with the energy he needs. It turned out that this patient was very open to doing anything with Energy Medicine, and he was able to do his Energy Breaths regularly, so that was a great help to him!
2) I worked at the energy level to help the patient feel "deserving" of being well. This is a common block for most patients starting out. To fix a "reversal" with feeling deserving of being well, you can use any number of the energy medicine techniques listed on my website. However, I usually use Energy Breaths and set the positive intention to "feel deserving of all good things in life" or use Logosynthesis on the problem of "feeling undeserving of being well." Either should work well.
3) I have used products by Energy Tools International or a homeopathic supplement to support at the energy level without actually having the physical substance in it which would require metabolism. For example, Energy Tools International makes a "Tranquility" product with the energy of lithium in it but not the actual lithium substance. DesBio, a homeopathic and nutritional supplement company, makes a homeopathic form of serotonin that has been very helpful for patients who initially have negative immune reactions to serotonin or 5-HTP.
4) Energy techniques, such as Logosynthesis, a simple energy medicine technique, can be used regularly to:
Resolve traumas
Decrease hypersensitization to foods, neurotransmitters, neurotransmitter receptors, medications
Clear fears and anxieties
Address genetic and inherited information at the energy level
Mitigate obsessive worries and beliefs
Clear bad habits
Because I would test him before and after the energy intervention, we could gauge whether the intervention had made a positive difference with his overall energy level. Once a positive shift occurs at the energy level there will be a parallel shift, like a domino effect, at the physical level.
I have seen patients who have been on an SSRI for decades come in trembling with anxiety, test poorly for supplements they desperately needed, and still recover powerfully over time once we started working to support their energy system.
Energy Medicine provides a way to get yourself out of a biochemical hole when everything else has stopped working. I hope you'll try these simple, powerful approaches listed under the energy medicine techniques section of my website and use them to help with whatever you might need.
Autumn colors by the ditch