Checking out the publishing terrain!
Many of you probably share a desire to write you own book(s) someday. You might have a vision of yourself holding a book you've created, sharing your story with appreciative audiences. Welcome to the club!
We all have stories that beg to be told and truths we yearn to share. Our creative need for self-expression is a wholesome part of living life fully, and I encourage you to live your dreams.
Doing just that is why I'm attending a five-day workshop this week at the Omega Institute for Holistic Studies in Rhinebeck, NY. The workshop is run by Kelly Notaras who wrote, "The Book You Were Born to Write." She is one of the main editors of Hay House Publishing Inc. and knows a lot about publishing books.
Don't ask me yet about how I'm going to get the book I was born to write out into the world; I've only just finished day one of her workshop! But I'm having fun and the people here are full of good vibes.
Just as I've written about what to do before withdrawing from medications, I'm turning to the experts to learn what I should do before I try to publish a book. Being here and taking the time to prepare properly for manifesting my dreams leads me to today's topic: believing in your dreams and investing in yourself.
Believing in Your Dreams and Investing in Yourself
Having fun while preparing your path to success
I've heard of the Omega Institute for Holistic Studies but I've never actually been here. The New England style buildings making the Institute are spread between beautiful trees, many with flaming red and yellow leaves across acres of green lawns.
I just finished my first two classes for the day with Kelly Notaras. Other famous teachers here this week are Anita Moorjani (her book: Dying to Be Me), and James Van Praagh (medium and clairvoyant). Given that I would be happy attending their classes as well must mean that the Omega Institute is a perfect fit for me.
I did have many reasons not to attend this five-day workshop. Five days is a long time not to work. The cost of staying here on campus and paying for Kelly Notaras' expertise wasn't cheap. Writing a book isn't like paying the mortgage; I don't need to do it this month, this year, or ever, really.
So why did I come anyway? Well, there's a part of me that never gave up the dream of being an author. Maybe I'll discover that I won't like it (playing the piano was a lot less fun than listening to Chopin when I was a child.) But, I still want to give it a try.
Can you relate to having a dream that you've secretly held that insists on being realized in your life now? Does a part of you know that you are meant to make your dream a reality? Do you feel a little less complete when you think of your dream idling on the sidelines over the years? It's a feeling that won't go away.
Your dreams can reflect a basic part of who you are before you become that in the world. In other words, a blueprint for your future self. It is in our nature as creators to create ever-evolving states of being. Your dreams point the way to where you could be going if you had the courage and fortitude to go there.
On the other hand . . . most of the time we are bound to our dreams through our hearts and not our heads. You know that feeling inside you that tells you what you are called to do. It won't stop even if you try to ignore it. I promise you. If your dream is your true path, you should give up trying to ignore it, and just follow it, or live forever under its harassing presence.
You may lack faith in yourself that you have what it takes to achieve your dreams. That is a common obstacle. Part of living your dream is the challenge of becoming the person who can make it a reality. The transformative journey involves both you and your creation. Discovering that you lack faith in yourself to live your dream is the first step to self-actualization. Doing something about it to overcome this obstacle is the next step.
How do you gain greater confidence and faith in yourself along the path to manifesting your dream? You begin by investing in yourself. Take time to build your skills by learning what you need to learn. Practice what you need to do until you get skilled at your craft. Pretend to be who you want to be until you really become that person at last! And remember to have fun along the way.
That's why I'm here at Omega.