It appears that the problem of antidepressant withdrawal is finally getting some national attention. Please read this following article in the New York Times:
Many People Taking Antidepressants Discover They Cannot Quit
Antidepressant withdrawal should be done carefully by someone who has experience with the process. Most traditionally trained psychiatrists are taught to help patients withdraw by lowering the dosage "slowly." If they fail and the patient relapses into a severe state of depression, the withdrawal failure is blamed on the patient's underlying illness.
Please do not just simply lower your dosage "slowly." Few can withdraw successfully this way.
There is much more to the science of medication withdrawal than that, and you can hurt your health and your chances of success if you are not aware of how to do it properly.
Please contact me for a free 15 minute consultation to see if I can assist you through this delicate process.
All the best,
Alice W. Lee, MD