EET Healing Series 5: Why Are Supplements Causing Negative Reactions?

How Can Energy Medicine Help?
Thursday, July 25, 2024
Issue #237

Hello there!

Recently, I encountered a few daunting problems with a patient that led to an important discovery and realization. Further energy testing validated this new idea and increased my understanding.

Based on my understanding, I applied energy medicine healing techniques to treat the problem. The intervention promptly and powerfully reduced symptoms and created relief for this and other patients under my care.

What was the problem, idea, treatment, and outcome? Here it is in a nutshell:

The problem: Negative symptoms after taking supplements.

The idea: hypersensitive immune reaction to nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and other innate substances that become part of the body.

Energy Healing Technique: reinform and update the immune system's informational system.

Patients' Outcomes: rapid improvement in sleep, vast decrease in auditory hallucinations, significant reduction in recalcitrant depression and anxiety, resolution of negative reactions to supplements, improved cognitive function, and increased physical stamina and energy.

Read on to learn more about this important issue and to access the simple energy medicine technique to treat this problem that I've made available for free.

Have a wonderful week!

EET Healing Series 5: Why Are
Supplements Causing Negative Reactions?

On June 1, 2024, Kathy, a young woman diagnosed with trichotillomania, and bipolar disorder with psychotic symptoms, emailed me to say, "I made the switch in supplements, and I have been hearing a lot more voices and have been having a hard time sleeping at night. Before, I never had any issues sleeping so I'm not sure why this is happening."

Later, she told me that she had problems in the past with taurine, and her most recent energy testing (at her home) resulted in a negative energy testing response to her bottle of selenomethionine. Taurine, selenium, and methionine are natural parts of our body and absolutely critical for proper functioning.

How can innate, natural, helpful substances that our bodies need to function cause problems like insomnia and auditory hallucinations? The situation was baffling and frustrating.

What is behind this and how can I help her heal?

"Could she be having hypersensitivity reactions to vitamins and minerals?" I wondered.

Why not? 

Up to this point, I had assumed that hypersensitivity to nutrients was rare to nonexistent. This assumption biased my testing and blinded me to the phenomenon. I routinely checked people for hypersensitivity to foods, but I had not checked them for hypersensitivity to individual nutrients.

However, because of Kathy's reaction to her supplements, I began to test everyone for hypersensitivity to individual nutrients. To my surprise, I found that each patient had a few, scattered hypersensitivity reactions to specific nutrients and other important, innate substances, like cholesterol. The more severe and recalcitrant the symptoms, the more intense, widespread, and prolonged the hypersensitivity to nutrients.

If true, what could be done to treat it?

Once the immune system recognizes a substance as an antigen (allergen/foreign/ enemy), it will remember it and keep "protecting" the patient from the substance. It does this through the inflammatory response.

Inflammation against a substance becomes an autoimmune reaction if the substance is an essential part of the physical structure and function of our bodies. We cannot delete the information from the immune system by taking another supplement, herb, or food. 

However, energy medicine works with information and energy. It is a healing tool that reinforms and provides the marching orders for the body. I have used it regularly to clear hypersensitivity reactions, so naturally, I turned to it to help eliminate the hypersensitivity reactions in Kathy's body. 

What did we do? During our session, we began with Energy Breaths, connected to the idea of perfect Life Energy, and set some specific intentions to clear hypersensitivity reactions to the nutrients that she had become hypersensitized to.

After the first week, her numbers went down significantly, but did not go to 0. We repeated it during the next session. The energy technique available in this newsletter is using EET to treat the hypersensitivity reactions. It should work in a similar way.

The first time we did the energy work, Kathy cried immediately afterward. She felt like she was having a "meltdown." Then, soon afterward, she began to feel better each day. Her auditory hallucinations decreased significantly. Some days, she didn't have any auditory hallucinations for the entire day, which was highly unusual for her.

We were able to lower her Haldol, an antipsychotic medication. When her Haldol was tapered too slowly and conservatively, she experienced increased psychotic symptoms. After lowering her medication, she felt calmer and clearer. Yes, even antipsychotics can worsen psychotic symptoms in some of my patients.

But the question remains: why do some people develop hypersensitivity reactions to nutrients?

For Kathy, it may have been due to her exposure to around 18 rounds of antibiotics for her recurrent ear infections between 1-2 years old. Antibiotics can create dysbiosis in the gastrointestinal (G.I.) tract, which means that the good bacteria in the gut are eliminated by the antibiotics, allowing candida (yeast) to flourish.

Too much candida in the G.I. system can cause gaps to widen between the cells in the gut (leaky gut syndrome). Partially digested food leaks through, over and over again.

About 70-80% of the body's immune system is in the gut. It is the largest immune system organ in the body. The immune system creates a protective boundary between things that leak out from the gut and the rest of the body. The inflammatory reaction melts away the foreign debris, breaking down substances like leaked foods into smaller particles. 

Unfortunately for Kathy, this process began so early and for so long in her life that she developed a negative reaction to even nutrients. The overwhelming inflammatory reactions that evolved contributed to her mental health problems.

In time, she ended up on many antipsychotics that never worked for her. Eventually, she was hospitalized four times between 2020 and 2023. When Kathy began working with me towards the end of May, 2024, she had just turned 22 years old. 

Other underlying causes for this kind of phenomenon include anything that undermines G.I. and immune function such as exposure to certain medications (chronic antacid use), anorexia, bulemia, infections, poor/inadequate diet, too many simultaneous vaccinations, and chronic stress.

Because reducing hypersensitivity to nutrients is just one of several underlying causes for Kathy's symptoms, we are still working on other contributing factors that weaken her health. However, Kathy's mental health is finally improving. She has a new holistic understanding of mental health, and her treatment has successfully reduced her symptoms and medication dosage safely.

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In this EET Healing Series, I share an EET template to help decrease hypersensitivity reactions to nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. I also include other innate, natural molecules that sometimes end up with hypersensitivity reactions.

When the immune system becomes hypersensitized to nutrients, we can experience intense, chronic inflammation and oxidative stress that can be disabling and recalcitrant to conventional treatment.

Join me to learn more about this insidious and little-known problem and apply a simple mind-based technique aimed at reducing its harmful effects. 

I hope you'll find the session helpful!

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To schedule consultations or appointments, call Dr. Lee's office at 240-437-7600

Dr. Lee has office locations in Lehi, Utah, and Yonkers, New York.

The content provided by this podcast is for informational purposes only and has not been approved by the U.S. FDA. This podcast is not intended to provide personal medical advice, which should be obtained from a medical professional.