Healing from Hypertension and Premenstrual Symptoms

I hope you'll enjoy the unexpected topic for my podcast and Holistic Update this week: healing hypertension and premenstrual symptoms holistically.

As Abram Hoffer, MD, Ph.D. used to say, the "side effects" of orthomolecular therapy are better overall health. For my patient, Shacara, her desire to heal her "whole person" involved coming off her antihypertensive medication, which had failed to help her.

Not only did she achieve her goal, but she also resolved her painful monthly premenstrual symptoms. You'll hear all about her success story in the podcast.

This spring, I went to New York City to visit my daughter and took some pictures of the city skyline at dusk. What a view from Brooklyn! Hope you are also taking the opportunity to travel and create positive experiences in your life.

For today's message, I thought I would share a quote I received from James Clear, who wrote Atomic Habits:

The shape of genius is simplicity.

Have a wonderful week!

The Holistic Psychiatrist Podcast: Episode 67
Shacara's Successful Healing from Hypertension and Premenstrual Symptoms

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If a patient fails to improve on traditional medications for hypertension or premenstrual symptoms, an integrative and holistic approach may provide a surprisingly effective alternative for resolving these issues.

Shacara took Amlodipine for her hypertension, but she wanted me to apply a holistic approach to heal her "whole person." Together, we created a treatment approach tailored to her needs that helped her normalize her blood pressure, get off her medication, and powerfully lower her gynecological symptoms.

In this podcast, we share the diet, supplements, herbals, glandulars, and energy medicine she used to create a vibrant, happy, peaceful, medication-free life.

For those who want to have the template for the Empower Energy Technique (EET) for clearing daily stress responses, here it is:

EET for clearing daily stressors that cause a fight or flight response:

I now choose to be one with Life Energy as a wave is one with the ocean and be empowered to ___.

1. Heal, release, and clear any hyperactive, harmful fight or flight reactions (sympathetic nervous system) triggered by ____.

2. Strengthen a state of safety, confidence, and peace despite my experience(s) with ____.

I completely and gratefully accept healing energy at all levels of being and through space and time from Life Energy to create and achieve this healing process.

I embrace the positive shifts that occur as I heal, and release the beliefs, emotions, habits, fears, pain, traumas, and other blockages that prevent me from receiving all the energy I need to heal and empower my life, at all levels of being, now and through space and time.

Click here to listen to all of The Holistic Psychiatrist Podcast episodes.