How to Strengthen Biorhythmic Function
Thursday, May 9, 2024
Issue #233
This past week, I've been excited about making a breakthrough in understanding periodicity's impact on health.
After gaining more insight into this universal problem, I created a recording of a meditative approach to support periodicity for my patients. See below to access and play this helpful recording.
All of life can be divided into content vs. process. Content is the "what," and process is the "how."
Healing requires an understanding of both what and how; but most of the time, our attention is drawn to the what and not the how.
Consider a human embryo, existing initially as one cell. Although scientists know the exact order of human embryonic cellular development, how the human embryo develops over time remains as mysterious as ever.
Knowing the order of embryonic cellular development is not the same as knowing how an embryo develops; just as watching a movie is not the same as knowing how a movie is created.
What is periodicity? Where is it found in the body? How does it impact physiological function? How can we use energy medicine techniques to strengthen periodicity and the natural biorhythms of the body?
Read on for more reflections on and interventions for this mysterious, behind-the-scenes, life function!
Have a super week!
Periodicity: A Universal Energetic Aspect of Health
How to Strengthen Biorhythmic Function
CLOCK®, a New Cutting Edge Product to help Support Circadian Rhythms*
"Fifteen years ago, scientists celebrated the first draft of the sequenced human genome. At the time, they predicted that humans had between 25,000 and 40,000 genes that code for proteins. That estimate has continued to fall. Humans actually seem to have as few as 19,000 such genes — a mere 1–2% of the genome. The key to our complexity lies in how these genes are regulated by the remaining 99% of our DNA, known as the genome's 'dark matter'". (1)
Whether a gene turns on or off depends on how time factors into the regulatory, biorhythmic cadence of every function in the body, e.g. respiration, hormonal cycles, circadian rhythms, mood regulation, heart rate variability, and blood sugar regulation.
Not only have I become more aware of periodicity's overarching influence and importance behind health and well-being, but I have also become more aware of its universal presence in all function.
Once I realized the fundamental, universal effects of proper periodicity on health (and all of existence), I began to use energy medicine techniques to strengthen regulatory function and periodicity for patients. I created a recording of my energy medicine approach using Energy Breaths and intentions that focused on supporting regulatory functions and proper periodicity.
Energy testing patients before and after the energy intervention showed marked improvements in the energy state of their regulatory functions.
Many years ago, before I understood that physical dysregulation fell under the bigger umbrella of periodicity, I used energy medicine to help Dilcia, a bipolar patient with severe dysregulation. We created a podcast where we talked about her healing process and how energy medicine helped her recovery. Dilcia had severe dysregulation of mood and sleep. She experienced several mood swings per day.
However, after one energy session where I used an energy medicine intervention focusing on her regulatory enzymes, her mood swings went from several per day to 1-2 per week even before she took any prescribed nutritional regimen. She has been doing well with energy medicine to maintain her health for over 10 years.
I believe that energy medicine can make a difference for those who are dysregulated.
What are some other ways to help with regulatory function beyond energy healing?
Creating regular schedules for sleep, snacks, meals, and activities will help the body get into a pattern of knowing when certain physiological processes will be happening at particular times of the day. When adjusting your bedtime, change your bedtime in small increments (15 minutes at a time for those who find it hard to sleep without heavy antipsychotic medications).
Too many unexpected changes to a predictable schedule will be difficult for those who don't have the ability to adapt to change, e.g. those who suffer from Asperger's syndrome or autism.
Giving people time to prepare for events, days or weeks ahead of time, can be helpful for someone who has a deficient regulatory system to create the physiological ability to adapt to impending shifts in routine.
Here is a useful article that summarizes "How to Fix Your Circadian Rhythms."
For jet lag, It is helpful to use melatonin to initiate sleep in the new location. Once your sleep schedule is reset, then stop taking the melatonin.
Exercise can be very helpful for better sleep quality. (2)
Unfortunately, by the time patients arrive at my practice, they have been prescribed many psychiatric medications that knock them out and force them to sleep at night or be awake during the day such as antipsychotics, mood stabilizers, benzodiazepines, and stimulants.
As a holistic psychiatrist, I have to use my understanding of psychiatry, functional medicine, and energy medicine to rebuild their health one step at a time before patients can lower their medications.
1. Chi KR (2016) The dark side of the human genome. Nature volume 538, pages 275–277.
2. Alnawwar MA, Alraddadi MI, Algethmi RA, Salem GA, Salem MA, Alharbi AA. The effect of physical activity on sleep quality and sleep disorder: a systematic review. Cureus. (2023) 15:e43595. doi: 10.7759/cureus.43595, PMID: - DOI - PMC - PubMed
have a great week.
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Today's podcast provides a meditation directed toward healing problems with dysfunctional biorhythms and periodicity.
What is periodicity? It means the quality, state, or fact of being regularly recurrent or having periods. It is an innate aspect of energy which carries a rhythmic quality that we detect in all vibrations.
We can find periodicity and rhythm in almost every aspect of biological function: heart rate, heart rate variability, breathing, circadian rhythm, menstrual cycle, blood sugar regulation, and mood regulation.
One universal function that starts to deteriorate with the loss of health is biological periodicity. The importance of regulatory function is found in the amount of information devoted to it in our DNA:
"Humans actually seem to have as few as 19,000 such genes— a mere 1–2% of the genome. The key to our complexity lies in how these genes are regulated by the remaining 99% of our DNA, known as the genome's 'dark matter.' " (1)
The timing and regulation of genetic functions have an informational aspect that may be supported through energy medicine techniques. I have used this approach in the past and have found the approach surprisingly effective. Enjoy!
1. (Chi, K. The dark side of the human genome. Nature 538, 275–277 (2016).
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To schedule consultations or appointments, call Dr. Lee's office at 240-437-7600
Dr. Lee has office locations in Lehi, Utah, and Yonkers, New York. I am currently practicing out of Lehi, Utah.
Copyright © 2024 Alice W. Lee, MD, ABIHM, ABoIM – Holistic & Integrative Psychiatrist in Lehi, Utah. All rights reserved.
The content provided by this podcast is for informational purposes only and has not been approved by the U.S. FDA. This podcast is not intended to provide personal medical advice, which should be obtained from a medical professional.