On the way to Albion Basin, Alta, Utah
I'm really excited to share my new, updated version of the Empower Energy Technique (EET) that is so fast, easy, and powerful that I like using it even more than my EET + Logosynthesis technique (which I've already removed from my website).
Read on for this brilliant (if I do say so myself) way of clearing and healing energy at the thought-field level.
I've been using this approach and have tested its effects on myself and my patients both in my office and over Zoom. Its results are truly amazing!
Enhancing the Empower Energy Technique (EET)
A quick, easy, and powerful tool
On the way to Albion Basin, Alta, Utah
One morning, I woke up thinking, I want to create a wonderful, new energy technique—something like a mini-Infinite Intention Technique—useful as a quick, short, and powerful intervention. It literally took me 15 minutes to come up with the expanded and updated version of Empower Energy Technique (EET) that I am now applying happily.
The entire Empower Energy Technique reads like this:
I now choose to be one with Life Energy as a wave is one with the ocean and be empowered to ___. I completely and gratefully accept healing energy at all levels of being (spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, and social) and through space and time from Life Energy to create and achieve this healing process.
I embrace the positive shifts that occur as I heal, and release the beliefs, emotions, habits, fears, pain, traumas, and other blockages that prevent me from receiving all the energy I need to heal and empower my life, at all levels of being, now and through space and time.
Compared to Logosynthesis, EET also sets intentions for accepting healing energy and releasing blockages, but it differs in the following ways:
It is solution-focused, rather than problem-focused.
The clearing of blockages is based on the solution you aim to achieve. So you will release a number of blockages simultaneously, according to your needs. You don't have to specify the blockages one by one.
It integrates intentions for using Life Energy, space-time, and all levels of being as part of the healing intentions.
You gratefully accept the healing regardless of whether you feel deserving or not.
You connect to Life Energy to empower the healing process, which makes it more effective than doing it on your own steam.
It's less wordy than the EET + Logosynthesis or Logosynthesis Technique, so it takes less time to apply it.
I energy tested my patients at my office before they did the technique and then after they did the technique. I asked the patient to "tap into all the energies you hold or carry that allows you to be able to heal ___." My patient and I were very surprised by the consistent, powerful shift in strength after completing the technique.
Here are some examples of how I applied EET:
1. I now choose to be one with Life Energy as a wave is one with the ocean and be empowered to have the insights, strength, compassion, and patience I need to heal from others’ unkindness, misunderstanding, judgment, and harshness . . .
After EET was used to address ruminations about slights and hurtful criticisms that troubled the patient for years, I asked her to remember a specific incident again. She couldn't remember it and said the memory was like "Teflon," because she just couldn't touch it.
I applied EET to heal another patient's chronic pain from her history of repeated sexual abuse. After she did EET, she was puzzled and asked if it made sense when she told me that she couldn't remember the abuse. Of course, her past experiences no longer hurt her because she didn't seem to care or remember them anymore.
I was surprised at how similar the two patients healed through EET. This healing took about 5 minutes of energy work.
Other applications of EET:
2. I now choose to be one with Life Energy as a wave is one with the ocean and be empowered to have the compassion, patience, acceptance, and love I need to forgive and accept myself despite any mistakes I made as a (role: mother, child, wife, friend etc.) . . .
3. I now choose to be one with Life Energy as a wave is one with the ocean and be empowered to have all the love, compassion, forgiveness, and kindness I need to completely heal from all the negative criticisms, anger, and hatred I’ve directed towards myself due to (issue).
For each of the examples, the patient would finish it with the remaining words in the EET paragraph. After EET, energy testing showed a dramatic shift towards being stronger when tapping into positive energy for healing the issue.
I hope you'll try this approach at your convenience and have some surprisingly helpful results of your own to share.
The Holistic Psychiatrist Podcast (Ep. 42):
What are EMF’s Impact on
Our Mental and Physical Health?
Check out the teaser here.
Many companies currently provide products that protect individuals from damaging EMF energies. What are EMF energies? How can they damage our bodies? What types of interventions have been created to help protect individuals from toxic effects of EMF?
Ming Lovejoy, health coach and wireless educator, shares her personal experiences, empirical vignettes, and her expertise in this area.
Click here for the full episode available on Wednesday.