Anywhere With You
If you’ll flipperdoodle me,
I will flipperwoodle you.
I promise to.
Behind the lapper-flapper, stintlesnapper,
heck, anywhere with you.
I know that you can see,
how you’re jazzer-crashing me.
Flingflamdropping, hellapottering,
I can’t stop the sinpantfoddering,
so just say you’ll agree.
When I see your eyes,
I feel my fellafrimple rise.
You’re solarpropping, wonderclocking,
benderstopping, feeler-meteorize.
That is why.
Won’t you come with me?
I’ve waited so womperstoodle long.
The sun is dropping,
The birds are stopping,
Everyone is pondersnoddering.
Say you’ll come along.
My words may not flooze right.
They wobblestutter, splintermutter,
I know I’m a no good dringersnotter,
but I am yours tonight.
Alice W. Lee