The New York Times: Talk Therapy Eases Symptoms of Schizophrenia

In the New York Times, dated October 20, 2015, an article on the benefits of talk therapy in recovery from schizophrenia.  This is a government funded study, and therefore, with less bias from pharmaceutical agencies, needing to promote their medications as the primary treatment of choice.  Please see an exerpt of the article below.

More than two million people in the United States have a diagnosis of schizophrenia, and the treatment for most of them mainly involves strong doses of antipsychotic drugs that blunt hallucinations and delusions but can come with unbearable side effects, like severe weight gain or debilitating tremors.

Now, results of a landmark government-funded study call that approach into question. The findings, from by far the most rigorous trial to date conducted in the United States, concluded that schizophrenia patients who received smaller doses of antipsychotic medication and a bigger emphasis on one-on-one talk therapy and family support made greater strides in recovery over the first two years of treatment than patients who got the usual drug-focused care.

The report, to be published on Tuesday in The American Journal of Psychiatry and funded by the National Institute of Mental Health, comes as Congress debates mental health reform and as interest in the effectiveness of treatments grows amid a debate over the possible role of mental illness in mass shootings.

More than two million people in the United States have a diagnosis of schizophrenia, and the treatment for most of them mainly involves strong doses of antipsychotic drugs that blunt hallucinations and delusions but can come with unbearable side effects, like severe weight gain or debilitating tremors.

Now, results of a landmark government-funded study call that approach into question. The findings, from by far the most rigorous trial to date conducted in the United States, concluded that schizophrenia patients who received smaller doses of antipsychotic medication and a bigger emphasis on one-on-one talk therapy and family support made greater strides in recovery over the first two years of treatment than patients who got the usual drug-focused care.

Continue reading the main story


mental health

Drug Shortage Unravels Lives: Alternative Approaches in Demand

Hi Dr Lee,

I read the following article and thought about you.

One of my motivations during our process was the realization that I needed (or should) keep a separate “stash” of Effexor at work in case of an emergency (i.e. earthquake, terrorist incident, etc).  It really hit home that it was necessary for me to have that stuff to be able to function even in case of an emergency.

When I read the article, I am sure there are many, many people who need your services to end their dependency on these pharmaceutical drugs. It is sad!  Based on my experiences this year and last year I have come to understand that my nature is to question and research and learn.  I have also come to realize that many people do not do this and go with the flow, or what they have been told.

This is all to say that I hope you can get the word out that there is an alternative.  They do not have to be dependent on the whims of a pharmaceutical company and their profit margin.  Many people may not seek you out because they do not know … what they do not know.  They are gong with the flow.

I hope you get the message out!  It is a critically important one for so many people.

Thank you for all you do!

Best regards,
